...a meteor shower of words on this eve...
Playing blues on my keyboard--
picking out despair
on pixel
Up Early
In the gray-hazed dawn
Pale light blossoms
Softly explode from a violet tree
Rising by a jade-green hedge
Birdsong morning
rain puddle on oil
red and blue swirls on blacktop--
a peacock feather
dark cliff walls
except in the narrows of our canyon--
that moon
First pub. 3-line poetry
ogre marshmallows
under the blue oz of sky--
plastic-wrapped hay bales
First pub. In Full of Crow
a trail of dashes
translucent on our red brick--
night’s telltale caller
--First pub. 4and20poetry
Night Watch Psalm
Walled granite
One mile
Below the rocked rim
In the rusted Canyon
Rushing Colorado
River russet copper;
Nearby in the evened dusk
I lay ‘stilled,’ a silent psalm
In the shine
Of that lighted granite
Eyes wide in the dawn
Of that Night
Moments flash
Like falling meteors--
Precious glories,
I miss
Because I pine for that remote quasar
Whose light taunts--
Starred fixation, yet it burned out
Many a millennium ago--past
Light years
Seek the moral compass
Round this world ringed
Don't pass by on the other side;
Be passionate
And encompass
Love's Sphere
when one doesn't
see the dark
under seagulls kiting,
molten froth waves roll in--
we hotfoot it across sand
Outside the Limit
Working the Thursday graveyard shift
But alert in the night,
I muse in stillness
Awash drowned in awe,
Aware beyond words vivid bliss
Blessed all-encompassing exalting surpassing
Great Essence’d
One Pearl
Of Becoming
Cape May Light
Back then
Her young wedding eyes glistened
More than the prism'd Fresnel lens
That centered our lives
On the Jersey shore;
She's a Keeper.
horse trailer
by curved eucalyptus leaves
that skit in our gutter
I’m retreaded but road-tired,
Rolling across cantankerous land
Though, thank heavens—knock around
On pavement
And redwood,
Not yet sent off to a ‘board and card’ mansion,
You know where decks and bingo
“Was a dog…” chips or
Define the tokened measures of your life--
Or where
Reclining and breathing entertain you.
A moment of faded splendor,
Then gone
In fall's leaved trees
Melted rainbows dripping
Among the branches
Colorful collages
Assaulting our senses
manta ray
of the hoe blade
warped fence boards in sand
lean askew toward green windbreak
old gnarled cypress
lines, no white shirts but
birds black in a row clothes-pinned
to the telephone wires
Falling like cold ash on our faces—prayer in our last hour
A black barred window
Locking out the evened sky
Or rungs to the stars
date palms stood up
in the crimson sky
feather dusting
snow falls to crystal
trail, deep white over my knees
light inside my head
--Dan Wilcox
Short Poems First Pub.
Willows Wept Review,
4 and 20 Poetry,
Full of Crow,
lyrical passion poetry,
Poetry Pacific,
Liturgical Credo,
Flutter Poetry Journal,
The Mindful Word,
a handful of stones,
The Cherry Blossom Review
Stylus Poetry Journal,
Three Line Poetry,
Idlewheel literary friction,
The Mississippi Crow
Posted by Daniel Wilcox
Labels: aware, birdsong, dawn, eve. psalm, haiku, Light, meteors, morning, mystical, nature, pebbles, shooting stars, short poems, stones, transcendence, tree, violet, meteors
Playing blues on my keyboard--
picking out despair
on pixel
Up Early
In the gray-hazed dawn
Pale light blossoms
Softly explode from a violet tree
Rising by a jade-green hedge
Birdsong morning
rain puddle on oil
red and blue swirls on blacktop--
a peacock feather
dark cliff walls
except in the narrows of our canyon--
that moon
First pub. 3-line poetry
ogre marshmallows
under the blue oz of sky--
plastic-wrapped hay bales
First pub. In Full of Crow
a trail of dashes
translucent on our red brick--
night’s telltale caller
--First pub. 4and20poetry
Night Watch Psalm
Walled granite
One mile
Below the rocked rim
In the rusted Canyon
Rushing Colorado
River russet copper;
Nearby in the evened dusk
I lay ‘stilled,’ a silent psalm
In the shine
Of that lighted granite
Eyes wide in the dawn
Of that Night
Moments flash
Like falling meteors--
Precious glories,
I miss
Because I pine for that remote quasar
Whose light taunts--
Starred fixation, yet it burned out
Many a millennium ago--past
Light years
Seek the moral compass
Round this world ringed
Don't pass by on the other side;
Be passionate
And encompass
Love's Sphere
when one doesn't
see the dark
under seagulls kiting,
molten froth waves roll in--
we hotfoot it across sand
Outside the Limit
Working the Thursday graveyard shift
But alert in the night,
I muse in stillness
Awash drowned in awe,
Aware beyond words vivid bliss
Blessed all-encompassing exalting surpassing
Great Essence’d
One Pearl
Of Becoming
Cape May Light
Back then
Her young wedding eyes glistened
More than the prism'd Fresnel lens
That centered our lives
On the Jersey shore;
She's a Keeper.
horse trailer
by curved eucalyptus leaves
that skit in our gutter
I’m retreaded but road-tired,
Rolling across cantankerous land
Though, thank heavens—knock around
On pavement
And redwood,
Not yet sent off to a ‘board and card’ mansion,
You know where decks and bingo
“Was a dog…” chips or
Define the tokened measures of your life--
Or where
Reclining and breathing entertain you.
A moment of faded splendor,
Then gone
In fall's leaved trees
Melted rainbows dripping
Among the branches
Colorful collages
Assaulting our senses
manta ray
of the hoe blade
warped fence boards in sand
lean askew toward green windbreak
old gnarled cypress
lines, no white shirts but
birds black in a row clothes-pinned
to the telephone wires
Falling like cold ash on our faces—prayer in our last hour
A black barred window
Locking out the evened sky
Or rungs to the stars
date palms stood up
in the crimson sky
feather dusting
snow falls to crystal
trail, deep white over my knees
light inside my head
--Dan Wilcox
Short Poems First Pub.
Willows Wept Review,
4 and 20 Poetry,
Full of Crow,
lyrical passion poetry,
Poetry Pacific,
Liturgical Credo,
Flutter Poetry Journal,
The Mindful Word,
a handful of stones,
The Cherry Blossom Review
Stylus Poetry Journal,
Three Line Poetry,
Idlewheel literary friction,
The Mississippi Crow
Posted by Daniel Wilcox
Labels: aware, birdsong, dawn, eve. psalm, haiku, Light, meteors, morning, mystical, nature, pebbles, shooting stars, short poems, stones, transcendence, tree, violet, meteors